Feed Your Focus

I absolutely love this saying for more reasons then one! Feed your Focus can apply to so many things!
?#1 Feed your body – this is one thing I have learned is crucial in my life and could quite possibly be the thing that most people miss the boat on more often then not! Proper fuel makes ALL the difference in the world. If you eat crappy you feel crappy no doubt about it!
?#2 Feed your mind – read books, listen to podcasts, take a course or just plain interact in events or with people you haven’t before. Great opportunities to grow your mind!
?#3 Feed your soul – do things that inspire you, make you happy or relieve stress. Yoga, meditation, exercise, spiritual reading are just a few!
?#4 Feed that Focus! Decide what you want in life and take the steps to get there! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!